
Breathe ! Respirez !

If you are feeling anxiety or stress here is a quick way to shift gears in 60 seconds ! 

Si tu ressens du stress ou de l'anxiété, voici une façon rapide de changer de vitesse !


Also see the following for a chime sound every minute for 1 hour.


Zones of regulation, grades 1-6

Mental Health and Self Regulation in our school : 

Mental Health and Self Regulation in our school:

For a quick reset : Let's Breathe!



Zones of regulation, Kelso strategies and mindfulness links 


1. Cliquez ici : for a presentation on zones of regulation

2. Cliquez ici pour les Stratégies de Kelso, conflict resolution strategy


3.  Cliquez ici : 5 Mindfulness tools, pour une présentation sur des outils de pleine conscience 


4. Art therapy : How to draw : (my favorite self regulation tool)  


5. Intentions et affirmations positives 


6. Movement breaks for kids

7. Building Self Esteem in Kids for parents

8. Building Self Esteem in Kids II for parents and teachers.

9.Emotions wheel vs Emotions wheel

10. Monsieur Gautron's Health Blog for more information.

An explanation by educators : Zones of regulation


Resources to support children and families in times of war and conflict

War and conflict create worry, stress, uncertainty, and anger for families around the world. We as adults may also have difficulty helping children make sense of what they are hearing and seeing about war through traditional media or social media. Here collected are resources for parents and educators to use that can help children process what they are learning about war, navigate challenging conversations, recognize their feelings, and use effective coping skills.

Our thoughts are with all those affected by the current conflict in Ukraine and to all who are impacted by the trauma of war.

Parents/guardians can click here to find resources and support to help talk to their children about war, learn coping strategies, and access services.  Staff have also been provided with resources. 

Click here for a video with advice on how to talk about war with kids for parents and caregivers. 


Social media use & kids !

A reminder that it is always important to review the terms of use when using social media apps as they are legally binding contracts. The following will provide a link to an age specific list that links to the user agreements for each app.
Do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions.

Roblox is less of a social media app and more a gaming platform offering games to kids as young as 6. Make sure your child’s age is accurate in the setup so that appropriate filters are applied to limit age specific content. Please be aware of this recent cbc news article pertaining to inappropriate material found while playing ROBLOX, which raises concerns, experts warn. 

All social media requires users to be at least 13 years old in order to use. YouTube kids is designed for school aged kids in mind.

Please consult the following site for guiding questions about the risks of an underage social media account. The second link has some ideas for appropriate, kids friendly apps. The third page has information and advice on social media use.


We encourage all to apply the following filters to their social media posts : 


Healthy minds week, May 2 - May 6, 2022


Healthy minds week !

Click here for some tips!

Mindful Monday: "Stop and notice everything around you…the sights, the smells and the sounds. Give your attention to the smallest things that give you pleasure. It’s amazing how much these little things can mean so much. Make a list of all those things that give you pleasure. Share your list with your class or with a friend."


Lundi en pleine conscience: "Soyez attentif à tout ce qui vous entoure...le paysage qui vous entoure, les odeurs et les sons. Prêtez attention aux choses les plus minuscules qui nous donnent du plaisir. C’est incroyable que ces petites choses peuvent avoir tant d'importance. Dressez une liste de toutes les petites choses qui vous portent bonheur tous les jours. Partagez cette liste avec vos collègues ou avec votre salle de classe"

Thankful Tuesday: "Remember that every cloud has a silver lining. One of the best ways to realize this is to feel gratitude in both your heart and mind. Make a list of all the things you are thankful for. Share with a friend or with your class. When you feel down, review your list! "

Merci Mardi : "Il ne faut pas oublier qu’il y a un côté positif à tout. Un des meilleurs moyens de réaliser ceci, c’ est d’avoir le cœur et l’esprit rempli de gratitude. Dressez une liste de toutes les choses pour lesquelles vous dites merci. Partager avec vos amis et collègues. Quand vous vous sentez triste, revoyez cette liste."

Wellness Wednesday: "Create something beautiful. Express something wonderful. Do not let the opinion of others hold you back from showing the world what you can do. Have a wonderful wellness wednesday."

Mercredi santé mental: "Créez quelque chose de beau. Exprimez quelque chose de merveilleux. Ne laissez pas le jugement des autres vous retenir. Montrez au monde de quoi vous êtes capable. Passez un mercredi de la santé, en bonne santé."


Thoughtful Thursday: "Try to accept everyone in your life with an open and forgiving heart. Everyone, including you and me, make mistakes sometimes and everyone deserves a chance to learn from them. Passez un excellent jeudi."

Jeudi philosophe: "Essayez d’accepter avec un cœur ouvert et un esprit de pardon tous ceux qui vous entourent. Tout le monde, vous et moi y compris fait des erreurs, et cela devrait être l’occasion d’en tirer une leçon. Have an excellent thursday."

Friendship Friday: "You are connected to the world around you. Treat everything and everyone with love and respect. Today is the perfect day to tell someone you care about them.Make a list of 5 compliments you will give a friend today. Share those compliments often!"

 Vendredi d’amitié:  "Nous sommes tous reliés au monde qui nous entoure. Traitez chaque personne avec amour et respect. Aujourd’hui c’est le jour idéal pour montrer votre gentillesse. Dressez une liste de 5 compliments que vous allez donner au cours de la journée et partagez! "


For more information on The Checked-In Classroom curriculum, 200 Daily Intentions or our other teacher resources, please check out our website at www.heartsandmindsschools.com.


With gratitude for all that you do,


February is Black History Month

Le mois de l'histoire des Noirs, Black History Month est une commémoration annuelle de l'histoire du diaspora africain. Pour plus de renseignement et pour des idées de projets voire les liens plus bas !


February is Black History Month !

The following is a list of resources to be used in class or at home to celebrate and commemorate the achievement of black people around the world. 

Check out last year's project from class 140 !!!

Anti-Racism Storytelling: "Viola Desmond Won't Be Budged!"

A-Z African American Visionaries

What is it?
Black History Month is a time to celebrate and remember all the ways that Black Canadians have contributed to Canada’s history and culture.

Throughout February, this celebration provides a chance to learn about African cultures.

When did it start?
Carter G. Woodson, an African-American historian, chose a week in February to recognize African Americans.

The history of Black History Month dates back to 1926 in the United States. At that time, an African-American historian named Carter G. Woodson founded a week that focused on celebrating the accomplishments of African Americans.

He decided on a week in February because two important men were born in that month.

The first was Frederick Douglass, a former slave in the 1800s who spoke out for the freedom of slaves, as well as equal rights for women.

And the second was Abraham Lincoln. As the 16th president of the United States, Lincoln fought for the freedom of all slaves throughout the country.

While Woodson’s idea began as a one-week celebration, it eventually became a month-long event called Black Heritage Month in the United States in 1976.

And, in 1995, Canada’s government officially recognized February as Black History Month.