
La journée des bracelets ! Bracelet day !


Voici l'horaire!

8:30-9:00 Dans vos classes titulaire, présence, repassez le déroulement de la journée avec vos élèves et les listes des familles...

9:00-9:50 en famille:

1. Name tag - Décorez vos noms, cartes et:
2. Choisir 12 choses importantes dans notre vie et écrire derrière la carte - les élèves plus vieux aident les plus jeunes!
3.Session de partage !

9:50-10:00  goûter et manteau

10:00-10:15 récréation toute l'école ensemble

10:20-11:15 en famille:
Termine le partage et
Assemblage des bracelets
Ensuite on regarde en famille:

1. Monsieur Gautron- Vidéo
2. Élèves explique la pleine conscience
3. Si vous avez le temps essayer un des yogas dans le post plus bas.


Méditation ensemble à l'intervox
Remettez vos bracelets à vos enseignants titulaire !


Yoga! (for kids)

Due to popular demand, here are some yoga suggestions for kids :

Know about more?
Let me know!

1- Some visual guides for postures 

2- Kids Sun Salutation - (This animation has a Latin flavor, and uses English and some Spanish.)

3- Toddler Yoga: Animal Poses! (A toddler yoga video using animal poses, with Moovlee the monkey.)

4- Cosmic Kids Yoga (Interactive adventures which build strength, balance and confidence - and get kids into yoga and mindfulness early!)

5- 4 Minute Yoga for Kids | Fightmaster Yoga (This yoga for kids playlist by Fightmaster yoga is perfect for kids who need yoga for beginners. )

6- Alphabet Yoga (From Bari's new kids yoga/music album Little Box of Happy)

7- Kids Yoga: Sun Salutations A & B (sun salutation with Moovlee the monkey)


October - the month for mindfulness

C’est quoi la pleine conscience et le mindfulness?
(English to follow... )

La pleine conscience ou le mindfulness est un mouvement qui prend de l’ampleur 
dans les écoles au Canada.
Simplement dit, la pleine conscience signifie; prêter attention à ce qui se passe actuellement, 
avec gentillesse et curiosité. Ce à quoi vous prêter attention peut être votre respiration, 
une pensée, un sentiment, une sensation physique, une autre personne ou des choses qui se 
passent autour de vous.

En pratiquant des techniques comme la méditation, au fil du temps, 
vous apprécierez les relations entre votre respiration, vos sentiments et vos émotions, 
en apprenant à comprendre comment l'un affecte l'autre et comment cette appréciation 
conditionne votre bien-être et celui des personnes avec lesquelles vous interagissez.

Les recherches suggèrent que lorsque nous pratiquons intentionnellement la méditation
et la pleine conscience, nous nous sentons moins stressés, anxieux, déprimés et plus
équilibrés, en harmonie avec ce qui se passe à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de notre corps. 
Le calme et la clarté qui en résultent améliorent le bien-être, élargissent la perspective 
et constituent une base importante pour l’apprentissage.

SVP - voir lien liens utiles en bas de page.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is mindfulness ? Mindfulness is a growing movement in Canadian schools. Simply put, mindfulness means; paying attention to what is happening right now,
with kindness and curiosity. What you pay attention to may be your breathing, a thought,
a feeling, a physical sensation, another person or things that are happening around you. By practicing techniques such as meditation, over time, you will appreciate the relationships
between your breathing, your thoughts and your emotions, learning to understand how one
affects the other and how this appreciation conditions your well-being and that people with
whom you interact. Research suggests that when we intentionally practice meditation and mindfulness,
we feel less stressed, anxious, depressed and more balanced, in harmony with what is
happening inside and outside our body. The resultant calm and clarity improves well-being,
broadens the perspective and is an important foundation for learning.
Useful links:


From the ESC school guidance counsellor :

Bonjour, !

My name is Monsieur Gautron, I am happy to inform you that I will be the school guidance counselor this year!

I have become acquainted with many students and parents already and I welcome conversations with you and your children.

As guidance counsellor I meet with students from all grades about various concerns, in order for us to do our best at school. I believe in cultivating a culture of peace and acceptance. This year my focus will be on projects related to mindfulness and well-being. Please join me in making our school a peaceful and happy abode for all members of our school community.

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to drop by my office or call the school.

You may also contact me here:

Here are some free resources for home:  Mindfulness Education Group.


Breath, Relax and Stay Calm

Use this script:
En français...

It is when we are extremely busy that we would benefit from a relaxation/mindfulness break.
Take a moment.

You might want to shut the door, or at least tell people you’re not available for the next minute or two.

Sit or stand comfortably.
You don’t have to tie yourself in knots for this. 
Just sit with your legs planted firmly on the floor. 
Try to sit up straight but don’t be rigid. 
Your posture should allow your lungs to fill...

It’s as if your head were being lifted up away from the weight of the world.
Think of it as floating towards the sky.

Now put your hands in any position that’s balanced, symmetrical and still.
Close your eyes...or look at your hands.

Breathe in deeply, breath out slowly...
Briefly stretch your arms, neck and back...
Focus on your breathing, moment by moment.
Choose a point of focus.(For example: feel the air passing at your nostril. Watch the air come into the lungs, and out of the lungs. See this in your mind's eye.)
Even in the space of a minute you will get distracted.
That’s perfectly normal.
It doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong.
But as soon as you notice you’re distracted, just think ‘hmmm…’
And bring your mind back to your breathing.

Continue to take deep breaths, focusing on that same point, until the minute or two elapses...

Treat yourself to this.

Children can also be guided through this simple exercise when they are unable to relax and focus.

Click on the links below for a short video demonstrating the One-Moment meditation in English and dubbed in French by myself and a student, from 2014.

In english : "How to Meditate in a Moment"

En français, ESC student project: “Méditation dans un moment”


Please note the following community resources available to you:

Kids help phone: 1-800-668-6868  - https://kidshelpphone.ca/

Klinic 24 hour crisis line : 204-786-8686

Teen Clinic

Rainbow Resource Center:204-474-0212
New Direction Counselling: 204-786-7051
Family Dynamics: programs and services: 204-947-1401