If you are feeling anxiety or stress here is a quick way to shift gears in 60 seconds !
Si tu ressens du stress ou de l'anxiété, voici une façon rapide de changer de vitesse !
If you are feeling anxiety or stress here is a quick way to shift gears in 60 seconds !
Si tu ressens du stress ou de l'anxiété, voici une façon rapide de changer de vitesse !
Mental Health and Self Regulation in our school :
Mental Health and Self Regulation in our school:
For a quick reset : Let's Breathe!
Zones of regulation, Kelso strategies and mindfulness links
1. Cliquez ici : for a presentation on zones of regulation
2. Cliquez ici pour les Stratégies de Kelso, conflict resolution strategy
3. Cliquez ici : 5 Mindfulness tools, pour une présentation sur des outils de pleine conscience
4. Art therapy : How to draw : (my favorite self regulation tool)
5. Intentions et affirmations positives
6. Movement breaks for kids
7. Building Self Esteem in Kids for parents
8. Building Self Esteem in Kids II for parents and teachers.
9.Emotions wheel vs Emotions wheel2
War and conflict create worry, stress, uncertainty, and anger for families around the world. We as adults may also have difficulty helping children make sense of what they are hearing and seeing about war through traditional media or social media. Here collected are resources for parents and educators to use that can help children process what they are learning about war, navigate challenging conversations, recognize their feelings, and use effective coping skills.
Our thoughts are with all those affected by the current conflict in Ukraine and to all who are impacted by the trauma of war.
Parents/guardians can click here to find resources and support to help talk to their children about war, learn coping strategies, and access services. Staff have also been provided with resources.
Click here for a video with advice on how to talk about war with kids for parents and caregivers.