
School Guidance, Counselling, COVID-19 response and CBT programme

Hello! Bonjour !

Power point for teachers on mental health
Power point for teachers on ed. resources
MTS BOUNCE SHEET:  Helpful information for teachers 

This survey is to help me help you Voici mon sondage! Here is my survey !

You may also write me at stgautron@wsd1.org

A COVID Diary for kids

A COVID Diary for older kids and adults

Some new information / services :

Robyn Priest is offering Free Online Support Groups during the COVID-19 Pandemic for a number of groups including parents and TEACHERS. Robyn Priest LIVE YOUR TRUTH, is a mental health and peer support education and strategy firm. All programs are designed and delivered by people with their own experience of living with a mental health issue, or a family member of someone living with a mental health issue. To demystify the many misconceptions of mental health issues from a perspective of someone who has lived it, so we can educate people to go after, and live the life of their dreams. Their “REAL” truth.


Here is more helpful information :

As some of you may know the Province of Manitoba is offering a FREE online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) program which will soon be available to all Manitobans aged 16 and over who are struggling with anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is called AbilitiCBT and is expected to be available by mid-April. This is a virtual therapy program from Morneau Shepell.

For more information and to register please follow these links: https://manitoba.ca/covid19/bewell/virtualtherapy.html

or https://manitoba.ca/covid19/bewell/

Here is a great article on anxiety and COVID-19 . Read about it here!

Here is a link from the Canadien Mental Health Association regarding services available in Manitoba

Me on YouTube !


March is for gratitude / mars, le mois de la gratitude

Gratitude allows us to notice the many blessings we have and distracts us from the many misfortunes that we face. Mindfulness helps us react to our misfortunes with grace, acceptance, and meditation. Together these two practices nurture the happier self within us. What are three things you’re grateful for today? There’s a lot of research on gratitude journaling, some of it is mixed on extent of the benefits it can have on well-being. What we do know, however, is that it certainly doesn’t hurt us. One of the ways to impact your well-being—and cultivate a positive mindset—is to try to think of new things to be grateful for. You do not need to engage in this activity every day, but even doing this activity every couple of days will greatly help you maintain positivity.

La gratitude nous permet de remarquer les nombreux aspect positif dans nos vies, que nous avons et nous distrait des nombreux malheurs auxquels nous sommes confrontés. La pleine conscience nous aide à réagir à nos malheurs avec grâce, acceptation et méditation. 

Ensemble, ces deux pratiques nourrissent l’idée d’un moi plus heureux. Quelles sont les trois choses pour lesquelles vous êtes reconnaissant aujourd'hui? Il existe de nombreuses recherches sur la prise de note et l'écriture d'un journal qui énumère les choses pour laquelles nous disons merci. Ce que nous savons, c’est que cela ne nous fait certainement pas de mal. Une des façons d’avoir un impact sur votre bien-être et de cultiver un état d’esprit positif est d’essayer de penser à de nouvelles choses pour lesquelles nous vous sommes reconnaissants. Vous n'avez pas besoin de vous engager dans cette activité tous les jours, mais le faire même tous les deux jours vous aidera grandement à rester positif.