En français...
It is when we are extremely busy that we would benefit from a relaxation/mindfulness break.
Take a moment.
You might want to shut the door, or at least tell people you’re not available for the next minute or two.
Sit or stand comfortably.
You don’t have to tie yourself in knots for this.
Just sit with your legs planted firmly on the floor.
Try to sit up straight but don’t be rigid.
Your posture should allow your lungs to fill...
It’s as if your head were being lifted up away from the weight of the world.
Think of it as floating towards the sky.
Now put your hands in any position that’s balanced, symmetrical and still.
Close your eyes...or look at your hands.
Breathe in deeply, breath out slowly...
Briefly stretch your arms, neck and back...
Focus on your breathing, moment by moment.
Choose a point of focus.(For example: feel the air passing at your nostril. Watch the air come into the lungs, and out of the lungs. See this in your mind's eye.)
Even in the space of a minute you will get distracted.
That’s perfectly normal.
It doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong.
But as soon as you notice you’re distracted, just think ‘hmmm…’
And bring your mind back to your breathing.
Continue to take deep breaths, focusing on that same point, until the minute or two elapses...
Treat yourself to this.
Children can also be guided through this simple exercise when they are unable to relax and focus.
Click on the links below for a short video demonstrating the One-Moment meditation in English and dubbed in French by myself and a student, from 2014.
In english : "How to Meditate in a Moment"
En français, ESC student project: “Méditation dans un moment”
Please note the following community resources available to you:
Kids help phone: 1-800-668-6868 - https://kidshelpphone.ca/
Klinic 24 hour crisis line : 204-786-8686
Teen Clinic
Rainbow Resource Center:204-474-0212
New Direction Counselling: 204-786-7051
Family Dynamics: programs and services: 204-947-1401